Capture Video from capture card, tv tuner, dv cam, dvd player to AVI or WMV 9, WMV8 file format.
add Rotate, invert, grayscale effect on a video stream.
allow add picture in picture effect, video capture device mixing image file or mixing two video capture devices.
allow apply moving effect, zoom in, zoom out effect at specific time on specific picture when using picture in picture effect.
Motion Detection for specific region and custom define Motion Sensitivity .
Support drawing freehand line, circle, rectangle, Bucket Fill, Erase and Zoom the video.
Support add over 190 beautiful frame on video.
Support apply Distoring Mirror, Twins, Mosaic special effect to entire screen or selected video portions.
Preview Video stream and snapshot From IP Camera.
Capture Video stream From IP Camera to AVI file (uncompressed or compressed using any available codec)
Support access password protected IP Camera.
Support almost all IP Camera that support MJPEG stream.
Draw overlay bitmap on live video or save to video file. User define transparent color, alpha value.
Draw overlay time stamp (18 different date formats) on live video or save to video file.
Draw multi-line overlay text on live video or save to video file and provide over 50 different text styles.
SnapShot Bitmap , JPEG from TV Tuner Cards, Web Cam , Capture Cards.
SnapShot in Memory.
Support user dfine WMV Profile.
Almost support all capture cards.
User define font name/size/color on overlay text/time stamp.
Single frame and image sequence capture.
Video Compressor setting including DivX, XVid, WMV.
Programmatically control Video Standard (Pal and NTSC).
Camera Control from selected video source (e.g Brightness, Contrast).
WDM Streaming Device Selection and Setting.
Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (ASP, c#, vb.net, Access, Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.)
Royalty free distribution of the OCX file.